During Winter time, horses can develop motoric diseases as limps stiffness. What are the reasons of these winter muscular diseases?
First of all horses are usually exposed to cold temperature, which can reflect on muscles and articulations and increase pain caused by chronic disease.
Exercise during these weather circumstances must include a significant phase of warm-up to avoid soreness and injury, since muscles need more time to warm-up.
Another cause is linked to the ground condition. Non only snow and frost are dangerous, also just more hard or frozen ground can increase slipping and intensify the stress limps have to sustain.
So, How to avoid winter muscular diseases?
Few and easy tricks can help.
Never skip a relevant warm-up phase, made before simply walking your horse and then getting on and walk for about 10 minutes; neither a gradual cool-down phase at the end of exercise.
Also never forget that a right horse feeding is fundamental to keep its muscles and articulations healthy: high quality and long fiber forage, alfalfa and cereals all in the right percentage are basic for a balanced diet.
There are also some products that can heal and prevent muscular soreness, helping the animal to find again its well-being. Few of them can provide effective results only with natural components, as Equibar Mobility the handy herbs bar great to heal muscular and articulation soreness and especially help to prevent them.