Thinking about horse living in the wild and spending their day gazing grass, many of us believe horses need to eat all day long. Since their lifestyle has completely changed from wild life so has their feeding habits. Nowadays, how long does a horse need to eat?
Many are the changes impacting on horses feeding. First the natural evolution and the human breeding selection, which has modified horses digestive apparatus and made them prone to develop digestive diseases.
Then also housing of this animal had obviously impacted on horses feeding needs such us the amount and the intensity of the exercise they daily make. From sport activities to heavy works the diet needs are sensibly changed from wild life.
Some people are convinced horses really like spending their time eating since the have a sweet tooth. However this is not the truth. Horses can control easily their appetite according to their nutritive needs.
Therefore a horse, who is not having the right amount of all nutrients it needs, will keep on eating all day long. This is due mostly to low quality feed and so when the feed contains all the nutrients and it is balanced the horse will control hunger and be able to manage its feed ration, after it has develop a good physical structure.
Thanks to all this reasons a horse don’t need to keep eating, when feed according to a balanced and high quality diet it is seated and absorb the right power supply.
Feed specifically develop for horses such as Wafer Fioc, offer handy solution to all nowadays feeding needs. Palatability, satiety, high nutrients content, periodic quality checks and the handy format are the main characteristics of Wafer Fioc, which assure a tasty and balanced meal and most important a costant diet all year long.